Home Study Program
“The Key to Your Inner Perfection"
What is FootZonology®?
FootZonology® is the study and the science of the signal system on the feet. The signal system on the feet is directly connected to the body’s DNA-code in every cell, and from the DNA-code to our inner blueprint.
As we study FootZonology®, two methods are involved: You have the sciences of ZoneBalance® and ZoneAnalysis.
Zone Balance® is like a flowing, dancing technique along the energy-lines on the feet, which balances, repairs and reconnects the four lower bodies with the inner blueprint.
Rising the body’s awareness and life-energy helps the DNA to remember how to renew the cells. Connecting the four lower bodies with the inner blueprint. This is the key to your inner perfections, the key to true healing.
ZoneAnalysis is a method to see or feel the present condition of the body, and to notice where the DNA-code is disconnected from the inner blueprint.
Every family would benefit from at least one member studying and practicing FootZonology® .
Ideally, it would be most beneficial if every person learned FootZonology® for themselves..... through years of research and study it has been demonstrated that the most powerful and beneficial FootZone is the one you do on yourself.
Once certified, a parent may teach their children how to practice FootZonology® for personal use, with no additional cost to their children. Even young children can learn to do a FootZone on themselves using "The Little Buddha" technique.
The following materials are included in the Home Study Packet
FootZonology® Home Study Courses:
·Book I: The Key to Your Inner Perfection
·Book II: Part A: The Entire Zoning
·Book II: Part B: How to see the Present Condition
·Book III: Structural System
·Book IV: Glandular System
·Book V: Digestive System
·Book VI: Cleansing System
·Book VII: Circulatory System
·Book VIII: Nervous System
·Book IX: Coloring book
The total cost for the material packet is $3,595 and live seminars are available free for all Home Study Students.
For more information, please contact Janette at thekeytotruehealing@gmail.com